Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Creative Children

It seems like lately you'll never know what you might find when you go upstairs to check on the kids one last time before going to bed. Lately we have found them sleeping in the same bed to secretly reading books behind closed doors. (LOL, the one time they are quite!) Anyway, last week Levi went up to check on them and found that they were not sleeping in their beds. He then found that they had made their own tent in Kaitlin's room, which was great but the kids weren't sleeping in this either. He then found them underneath the bunk beds fast asleep and very sweaty since it was a good eighty plus degrees out. It was unbelievable cute and I didn't want to disturb them so we put a fan on them and let them sleep there overnight.
The tent
(If you look closely you can see Mal under the bed.)

Mal and Kate underneath the bunk beds


Katie Beth said...

that is too cute!

Mom said...

Just like their Mommy! We have pictures of you sleeping under the bunk beds too!

Jenny said...
