Monday, July 23, 2007

Ultrasound pictures

Okay these are the pictures of our baby. I'm hoping to find a way to get them bigger, but for now this will have to do.


Today I had my 20 week ultrasound and we found out that we're having a boy. The baby is currently breech, so we got really good pictures of EVERYTHNG! Levi of course is very happy and proud. I on the other hand am happy, but a little scared. I mean I'm used to a girl and boys are so different, it feels like this is my first child all over again. Levi says not to worry cuz I have him, and so I know boys....need I say more! Yikes. Okay so say some prayers for all of us. We're very excited, but now it's becoming quite the reality that we're growing our family by one.

(Pictures are soon to come once I figure out how to scan them onto my blog. If anyone knows lease email me. Thanks!)

Children's Museum

Kaitlin blowing bubbles

Taylor and Kaitlin

Taylor checking out the bee house (bottom right corner you can see bees)



Levi had as much fun as Tay and Kate!

Aaron and Taylor

Levi, Kristin, and Kaitlin

Levi and Aaron hoping for real money
I'm not sure if they'll let Levi back again!


Taylor and Kaitlin trying to make a big bubble

Levi and Kaitlin playing dominos

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Katie's trip to Michigan

Last week my sister came home for a couple days. It was a short visit, but we had success in finding her a beautiful wedding dress! Katie and Johannes are officially getting married on July 5 2008, and there is so much planning to do from so far away! We're hoping to get her home again sometime after Christmas to see her new niece/nephew (we find out July 23!) and to give her a bridal shower.

Oh so here's a random tidbit about Twin Falls Idaho (where she lives), there are barely any trees! You pretty much have to go to a park to see them. Talk about weird huh?!?!? So Katie the following picture is for you. - So whenever you need to be reminded about what a tree looks like you can visit our blog!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Fourth of July

Kaitlin and Jennifer getting ready for a boat ride.

Levi waterskiing

Sally and Dave performed for Jennifer's birthday.

Kaitlin found a new buddy, Julie.
Jennifer, Dave, Levi, Kaitlin and Kristin

Kaitlin loved being in the boat with Daddy.

Cooper surprised us all and enjoyed playing in the water.

All Annie wanted is for someone to throw a stick in the water so she could dive in after it.

Kaitlin trying to copy Mommy.

Cooper cuddling up with Mommy.

Three days without a bath brings out Kaitlin's curly hair!