Monday, September 10, 2012

So this is what it feels like....

So this is what it feels like to have two of your three children head off to emotions have been very mixed this past week. We have decided to let Kaitlin go back to Rosy for 2nd grade instead of staying at home to learn this year. Needless to say I have to consistently give this over to God.
Malachi is attending a second year of preschool, which I question if he will get bored (he missed the young five cut-off by four days), but he loves his teachers and friends, so if anything I'll be doing more with him at home this year.
And then there is my baby, Zeke, who is eating up the extra time with Mom and Dad. And I must say we are lovin' the one on one time with him.

Malachi outside his 4 year old preschool classroom

Kaitlin waiting for her bus to arrive

With no siblings in sight Zeke enjoys all the attention
and likes helping out

1 comment:

KLW said...

Hey, this is Katy from play date earlier this year. I emailed you, but maybe it missed you. I have your Before Five in a Row summer book and would like to give that back to you if you want it. :)