Monday, September 23, 2013

Welcome Makayla Jane!

 Proud Daddy!
 Momma and Makayla got lots of bonding tome for the first hour after she was born
 Zeke didn't want anything to do with Makayla when he first showed up, but since he can't hold her enough.

 Makayla Jane Haight
born September 20th at 11:21am
6lbs 4.9oz & 19inches long
 The kids, well mostly Malachi, became more interested in the fighting spiders outside my window than baby sis.

Kaitlin was very protective over Mj when the nursing students were doing an evaluation on her.

 The proudest big sister ever!!!

 Grandpa and Grandma Anderson
 Grandma & Grandpa Anderson with the grandkids

Taylor, Aunt Em & Bubba 

 Grandma Sheila & Grandpa Haight
 Grandpa Haight
 Levi and I couldn't be more happy!
 Malachi lovin' on baby sis


Daddy, Mommy & Makayla getting ready to head home

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Back to School

Malachi's first full day of Kindergarten was Wednesday.

I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get enough of these precious smiles!

 Ezekiel didn't want to be left out, so he was constantly photo bombing the pictures.
Kaitlin's first day of second grade was Tuesday.

Even Daddy teared up on Wednesday when we officially had two of our children getting on the bus.
My emotions are torn in two. Part of me is excited to see my children growing and looking forward to their new adventure, but the other part of me doesn't want them leaving or growing anymore. Yes I think this is where the term bittersweet must have come from.
Anyway, the other day Levi said to me maybe that's why some people have lots of kids, so that they always have some little ones at home and they don't feel the emptiness as much when the older ones grow and head off to school. If you're wondering if this means we will be having more after four, the answer is no. Or I should say no four is enough of our own, but maybe way down the road we will adopt. Which I guess that would probably be at the time when all of my children are fully independent and I have still so much love to shower onto some more children. But before I get ahead of myself I will cherish the time I have been blessed with my three (soon to be four) children, and continue to pray that I will be the mommy God has called me to be to them.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Kaitlin's Prayers Were Answered!

As soon as we shared the news Kaitlin started praying for a sister and counting down the days till we'd find out what we were having. Not a day went by where Kaitlin wouldn't ask/say how many days were left and cry about potentially having another brother and not the sister she so desires.
And then finally May 3rd came....
The ultrasound went well, but our baby didn't want to reveal whether it was a boy or girl. All I thought was go figure since we have a gender reveal photo shoot at the beach in a couple hours. The tech was wonderful though and she didn't give up. After an hour she finally got the baby to reveal who he/she is. She put the results in an envelope so I could pass it on to the photographer. Ater the ultrasound I had my five month doctor appointment to go to. So I sat and waited. And waited some more. And then some more with the results sitting in my lap. Talk about torture!
Finally after waiting an hour an a half I had my appointment and then headed home. We had to quickly figure out something else for everyone to wear since while I was at the doctors office it rained and the temps dropped a good twenty degrees. So we quickly pulled stuff together and headed to the beach for pictures. I was so nervous, because I was starting to get concerned about what we'd do about Kaitlin if baby number four is a boy. She was quite sure our photographer June had just set her up to findout it's a boy. But all that changed once the pink silly string came out, and concerned turned to joy. Well, for everyone except Levi that is! He was shocked to be wrong and so much so he couldn't believe the results. Boy was he not happy at first. (Already thinking of another wedding to pay for!) But as the night went on everyone was excited for our newest family member.
And though I thought once the gender was revealed Kaitlin's pestering would cease, it's not! Now the question is what's my sister's name going to be? Oh well at least it'll be a different question for the second half of the pregnancy!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What's Better Than Three? Four!

We wanted to wait and share the news with the kids after we had our 8week ultrasound, since I have had three miscarriages in the past. So on Friday after week saw and heard the beautiful heartbeat of our baby we decided it was time to share. We really wanted them to be some of the first people to know and we definitely wanted them finding out from us and not someone else. Well before we could even tell them Kaitlin looked at me and said "Are you p, p, pregnant?!?!" My word she's a smart cookie!

The proud big bro and sis were immediately excited and very protective over Mommy and the baby against each other! And then Daddy mentioned that he knows it's going to be a boy and then the trouble began! Kaitlin melted down. She wants a baby sister so much. (She's been saying it since I was pregnant with Malachi.) So of course this had Daddy and Malachi teasing Kaitlin saying it's a boy, but Grandma Anderson and Mommy quickly jumped in and said that we won't know if it's a girl or boy until Mommy's at least 20weeks. We immediately worked with her on understanding that the most important thing is  we pray for a healthy baby. So for Kaitlin I not only pray for a healthy baby, but a baby sister. (Even though Levi may be right in saying she doesn't know what she's asking for.)

And yes Zeke was there, but like any two year old he had no idea what this meant. (Well at least I thought he didn't but for the last two days he keeps pulling up my shirt and pointing at my maybe a little.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ezekiel's B-day Gift Thank You

This is for you Grandma! Here is what Zekey picked out with his B-day money. As you'll see everyone has been having fun, even Cooper!